
JINOV stand up for the youth of today

The youths who face the violence of unemployment, poverty, despise and hopelessness.

The youths who do not understand why their abilities and initiatives are not better acknowledged, valued and encouraged.

The youths who are eager to act now to change the future, driven by the vital need to build a more peaceful and equitable world.

JINOV takes risks


JINOV dares to consider young people as major actors of the great social innovations to come.

JINOV dares to value open-minded people who have and are willing to take initiative.

JINOV dares to mix generations to explore new forms of social networks.

JINOV dare to put in place new forms of interactions between various parts of society:  professionals and volunteers, private individuals and groups, locally and internationally.

JINOV dares to promote eco-development and social economy worldwide.

JINOV dares to prompt youths to take democratic non-violent actions.

JINOV dares to speak frankly, hustling stereotypes, pushing boundaries.